Thursday, January 27, 2011

All is well in Well

I have officially gone through my first week of classes.  This semester I am taking History of Western Art: Renaissance and Baroque, The World Since 1914, Intercultural Communications, and European Literature.  As of now,  they all seem very interesting and I am eager for the lessons to come.  History of Western Art is taught by two professors who are raved about at the castle and I was told that their class is "life changing."  It's unbelievable that I have the opportunity actually see the pieces of art in person that I will be studying in class.  Just from yesterday's lesson on Grecian art, I am already dying to go to the Louvre in Paris and see The Winged Victory of Samothrace. 

I have also heard amazing things about my World Since 1914 class.  My professor is German so he has a very interesting perspective on WWI and WWII.  It reminds me of how the US civil war is taught the same to students in the north and south but also quite different.  During our introduction, he told us how the town of Well was once occupied by the Nazis and that they used the castle to house SS officers.  It gives me the chills thinking that I could be living in a room where Nazis once stayed in.  In our upcoming weekend trip to Amsterdam, he's taking us to the annex where Ann Frank was in hiding which I know is going to be a moving experience.  He also has plans to take us to a concentration camp, however the thought of going makes me nervous.  I feel like seeing a concentration camp is something I must do but I'm fearful of being there without my family.  Something about being in Europe is making me a lot more sensitive to the Holocaust.  I think about my Nana from Germany, all the family she lost, and my ancestry.  Hopefully I’ll be able to build up my nerves until then.

Intercultural Communications is already fascinating.  As many of you probably know, prostitution is legal in The Netherlands.  The government feels that rather then not acknowledging its existence, they want to regulate it and make sure its safe.  Our teacher brought in a guest speaker yesterday who works at the prostitution headquarters in The Red Light District.  She was never a prostitute herself but she told us about the history of prostitution in The Netherlands and allowed us to ask her any questions as we wanted about its laws and regulations.  Once we’re in Amsterdam, our teacher is actually going to take us to The Red Light District to where the quest speaker works so she can continue her lecture with a tour of the area and provide us with a question and answer session with working prostitutes. WILD! My teacher said to come prepared with questions because we’re allowed to ask them absolutely anything we want with no restrictions.  Let me know if you have any questions you would like answered!!

European Literature seems like it’s going to be better than I thought.  I was really worried about all the reading assignments and exams on top of traveling but I think it will be manageable.  My professor is this old, ex-hippie, frazzled woman who wants to teach us everything but also wants us all to succeed.  Those are my favorite teachers.  She actually lives in the castle and she said that we’re always welcome to stop by for tea, discuss the books from class, or just discuss life.  I absolutely plan on taking her up on that!  She also reads tarot cards so that should definitely contribute to another interesting blog post to come. 

At the castle there aren't any classes for my major (Communication Sciences and Disorder for speech pathology) so this is a good semester to get my general education requirements out of the way.  Liz, one of my roommates, is also in my major and we were thinking about visiting the local elementary school to volunteer and learn how speech pathology plays a role in the European school systems.  She also has a family friend in Amsterdam who is a speech pathologist and we were thinking about getting in touch with her to make a day trip and shadow her in her office! I really hope we are able to do that because I think it would be great to see how treatment methods and techniques compare in Europe to what we've been taught back at Emerson. 

I'm currently writing in a cozy chair by a window in the hallway because Liz is taking a nap.  Kate's in class and Lena is walking to Germany.  Isn't that cool?  We can WALK to Germany!
I know this isn't the best picture and my roommates would probably kill me if they new I put this online but this is our room on day 2 of being at the castle! YAY!  The devilish looking girl in front with the glasses (who is really the sweetest and silliest girl who I can't stop laughing with) is Liz.  Although you can't see her face, Lena is in the green scarf, and Kate is sitting at the desks next to her.  I'll add better pictures soon. The other girls in the picture are some of our new friends admiring our bathroom because we're one out of two rooms in the entire castle that has a bathroom.  Everyone else has to use a communal one in the hall so we got really lucky with that!  Mom, see your purple bathrobe on the back left chair?  I've been LIVING in that!! Thanks for letting me bring it.  

I know I promised more pictures of the inside of the castle but I just haven't gotten to it yet. The students at the castle last semester made this awesome video though that will give you a better visual idea of what it looks like here.

I leave for Amsterdam tomorrow so while I'm there I'll take plenty of pictures!  I wont be bringing my computer with me over the weekend but I'll be in touch early next week.

Lots of love,

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The castle & the town of Well

I'm here!! That castle is wonderful. The plane was a little crazy with so many of us together but we made it,  I'm safe,  and I feel incredibly lucky.  The whole experience of arriving at the castle seemed very surreal.  We've only been here a day but I'm already much more relaxed and can tell that this is going to be an experience of a lifetime.  It's all still a little scary but in the best way possible.

The castle staff members are very friendly and have been keeping us busy busy busy.  
Me and Hubert

Johnny me and Dojna

All day long we've been in orientation meetings and learning everything we need to know about living in the castle but in our little free time, I've managed to still make friends with some of them! Hubert, the grounds keeper hooked me and my roommates up with a extension cord for our room and Dojna made me gluten free toast during breakfast!  

Here are some pictures from outside the castle.  It was really cloudy today so I was hoping to get some brighter pictures but I just had to post some that I took today...
"castle lane"

Our room is still a complete mess since we haven't all unpacked yet so I'll take pictures of the inside soon and post them so you can see! During our free time today I also went on a little walk around the town of Well. It is ADORABLE! Everyone is very friendly and happy to have us at the castle.  There are about 2,500 people in Well and almost all of them speak English which is helpful.  I loved seeing all the people riding their bikes and walking their dogs!

The town of Well...

This duck had the most beautiful colors! This picture doesn't do it justice.

Lena and I in town being goofy tourists :)

A dreamy restaurant on the water that allows this cutie pie to roam around. I think he's the waiter!

So long for now!  I start classes on Monday so hopefully I'll be able to blog soon to let you know what they're like.  Can't wait for Amsterdam next week!!

For those of you who have emailed me about having trouble commenting, try clicking "comments" in blue below my post.  If you're the first one, it should say "0 comments", then after each comment the number increases.  Thank you to so many of you who have emailed me already with wonderful advice and support.  I'm thankful to have the great group of family and friends that I do.  Uncle Mark, thanks :) and Mom, I can't believe you figured out how to make an account and comment! So so so so so so so impressed with you <3

Love and Miss you all,

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dear family and friends,

I'm off to Europe! As many of you may know, I will be studying abroad through my school and exploring the continent.  Emerson owns a restored 14th-century castle in The Netherlands, near Germany and Belgium, where I will be living and taking classes for the next 3 months.  

There is a total of 85 students in the program, all from Emerson, and I will be living in a room with three other girls in the same year as me.  During the semester, all of the students and professors will take two mandatory group trips: one to Amsterdam, and one to Prague.  Other than that, every other weekend will be for us to travel to any country we wish! In this blog,  I will write about my experiences and post pictures to keep you all updated.   Please feel free to comment, leave suggestions on places to see, or just say hello because I would love to hear from all of you!  The picture of the castle is from my school's website but I'm anxious to see it for myself and take my own pictures.

:) Wish me luck on my travels and ON MY FIRST BLOG... I know I will need it!
